Software we wrote
- aMail
- E-Mail client aMail 1.27beta for MiNTnet from 04.02.2001
am127b.lzh - aFTP
- client using request for comments for file transfer. Last is known as aFTP v1.55beta from 04.12.1999
aftp155b.lzh - MiNTnet - STiK
- GEM-Key
- Gem program for computing responses to S/Key challenges.
gemkey.lzh - URL Server
- is a small usefull utility for everyone, who's connected to Internet. (CZ DOC only)
urls096.lzh - aKill
- is a small usefull utility for Multitos users.
akill099.lzh - PiskWork
- (cz) is small game for two players. You can play by two ways. Or two players at one computer, or two players at two computers, connected together by serial cable, by modem, or by MIDI port. Latest version is 1.0 beta
piskwork.lzh - aFree
- (cz) is small disk utility, which display free space on discs connected to your Atari. Packet contains two versoins of AFree. First for TOS/MiNT (in text mode) and second for GEM (in dialog).
afree.lzh - aClock
- (cz) is accesory, displays aktual time and date everywhere on your monitor.
aclock.lzh - aCalc
- (cz) is small calculator. ACalc knows all basic operations and supports data exchange via GEM Clipboard. So you can easy transfer computed result ie. to text editor!
acalc.lzh - ASSaver
- (cz) is demoversion of screen saver. Program should be working on all operating systems compatible with TOS and GEM, bacause he don't use 'dirty' code (usually contained in other screen savers)
Czech software
- Husita II
- je program, ktery konvertuje ceske kodovani v textovych a RSC souborech. Nejnovejsi je verze 2.0
hus20.lzh - MiNT 1.15.5
- Binarni verze jadra MiNTu upravena pro spravne zobrazovani znaku s diakritikou v nazvech souboru. Provadi se konverze z UNICODE do kodovani bri Kamenickych.
Podivejte se na pekny screenshot, ktery byl porizen po pripojeni 6GB PC disku s nainstalovanymi Windows98 do Flacona s nainstalovanym MiNTem 1.15.
verze pro 030 a vyssi
verze pro 68000 - CAB OVL
- CAB.OVL 1.8404 pro MiNTnet s implementovanym konverznim algoritmem, ktery zajistuje on-line konverzi cestiny stahovanych www stranek.
czovl184pl1.tgz - MiNTnet HYP
- Cesky preklad vetsiny manualovych stranek programu pro pripojeni k Internetu ve formatu ST-Guide (HYP).
mnet_hyp.lzh - Thing RSC
- Cesky preklad obou RSC souboru pro Thing 1.27.
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